CONTENT WARNINGS: misogyny, abuse, sexual assault, murder, cannibalism, homophobia, transphobia, and general medieval fantasy violence
I have been working on The Demon King since February of 2024. Originally it started out as a romance with a princess who was the daughter of a tyrant king at the center, but the scope quickly spiraled out of control and the story became something very different. While romance is still a part of The Demon King, I feel the story focuses more on familial relationships- the good, the bad, and the complicated- as well as institutional patriarchy and the ways in which it fosters abuse and dysfunction.
I intend to publish The Demon King either as a webcomic, or a book with some visual elements. The genre is dark medieval fantasy for an adult only audience.
Rough draft. I still need to name the different major cities as well as mark other important locations- such as the international royal university, military keeps, significant landmarks, etc.
In this setting, magic exists but it's more of a force of nature than something individual people can learn to control. For a real world comparison, imagine how arrogant and foolish it would be to try to control a hurricane or a volcano. At most you can harness its energy, but one cannot hope to control it.
The origin of magic comes from the creation myth and is the reason why royal bloodlines are important, as royals are believed to be the descendents of gods. The specifics of the myth are different across nations, but the basic story is the dying Father God wanted to continue his legacy, so he created six sons to watch over the planet he had created. He meant to create seven, but the last was a woman who had barely more power than a mortal. The sons each gathered followers and staked their claims across the continent, and when each of them died, their bodies were buried and their godly essense seeped into the earth, granting unique blessings within each land.
Countries are split up into territories, each overseen by a Duke or Duchess who report to their country's monarch- traditionally a King in most nations. Kings have final say over any and every aspect of domestic and international policy. The title of King is traditionally passed down to the first-born son when the original king either retires or passes away. However, the transition of power isn't always so simple when a king has no male children. Usually the title goes to the closest living male relative of age in these cases, but it's rare for these decisions to have an objective answer.
A land of golden plains with a family-oriented, hardworking culture. Erbogarten's people worship Gottlieb- the first farmer- whose magic blessed the soil with perpetual harvest time. Erbogarten is incredibly wealthy and holds a great amount of political power because they are the biggest exporter of various crops to every other kingdom in the land.
The land of the black mountains. Nobyrja is a very bleak place largely colored by trauma and pain even before the infamous tyrant Othard's reign due to a long history of exploitation at the hands of other kingdoms. The population used to worship Rúna- the wise crone- until Theinard's reign suppressed the practice because he believed a populus that worshipped a female god was perceived as weak.
A land of bounteous pasture. Angligar's people worship Daw- the first shepherd- whose magic blessed the animals of the land. It is impossible to find a cow, sheep, goat, pig, or any creature anything short of fat and happy on Angligar's soil. Because of this, the kingdom is the largest exporter of meat and dairy, granting them wealth and power just shy of Erbogarten's.
The land of starlit stone. Despite the land's small size, Forbijous is incredibly wealthy as an exporter of luxury goods like precious stones and metals. The people worship Amé- the first alchemist- whose magic is believed to have created the mysterious ever-shifting mines which are to thank for Forbijous' wealth. However, this gift comes at a cost. Those who spend too much time in the mines or delve too deep develop a condition dubbed "The Rot of Stars". This condition is characterized by the sufferer slowly turning to precious stones from the inside out. While there have been cases in which the progression of the "Rot" was reversible, there is a point of no return where a person is beyond help.
The land of the glass sea. Okeana is a coastal kingdom whose biggest exports are fishing, pearls, and tourism. The people worship Nymphas- the first seafarer- whose magic blessed the waters on Okeana's coast to be clear as glass and bountiful with marine life not found anywhere else. Despite the ocean being an important symbol of Okeana's culture and economy, there is an understanding that one must never venture too far into it. There are some places mankind just isn't meant to see.
The land of the white woods founded by Vasilii- the first hunter. Their most impressive exports are the famously distinctive warm furs harvested from creatures only found in Belasina's forests. Belasina's people are also regarded as proud warriors who have a history of getting involved in the military affairs of their allies.
The land of the vibrant orchards founded by Lugo- the first vintner. Vinodorn is best know for its fruits as well as the world-class wines they create. However, some of these fruits produce wine whose effects are far different from the usual buzz of alcohol. While some of these effects are highly desirable, they are incredibly addictive and are considered dangerous. Over the years, efforts have been put into place to identify these dangerous fruits and punish those who harvest them. That being said, if one looks hard enough and asks the right people, there are plenty of avenues for obtaining bootlegged mystical drink.
An isolated island kingdom that was once an Angligar territory until its duke declared independence. Angligar's military attempted to retake the islands, but they lost too many men to the dangerous, unpredictable waters surrounding the islands that only its residents knew how to navigate. Eilean has since been begrudgingly recognized its own independent nation. Eilean's people reject everything about Angligar, including its religion. They instead opt to worship Despina- the forsaken Mother Goddess of the ocean- giving thanks for her waters which protect Eilean from outsiders.
Sigrid von Erboden (she/her)
Princess of Erbogarten ⇾ King of Nobyrja
Sigrid von Erboden is the strong-willed and ambitious eldest daughter of King Friedrich. Her hopes to prove to her father that she is a worthy heir to the throne were dashed when her hand in marriage was promised to the notorious King Othard. However, fate would turn in Sigrid's favor after being entrusted to play a critical role in a coup staged by Othard's people, whom had endured his abuse for too long.
After the wedding ceremony, Sigrid would emerge from the wedding chambers, white dress soaked with blood, holding Othard's decapitated head in her hands. At that moment, the Princess of Erbogarten became the new King of Nobyrja.
However, Sigrid's work to prove herself as an equal to the rest of the monarchs in the land was far from over.
Mads Lilliven (he/they)
King Othard's page ⇾ King Sigrid's Royal Advisor
Like many of Nobyrja's citizens, Mads had to grow up quickly amidst tragedy and poverty. His father was a soldier who perished in battle before he was born, leaving him to be raised by his mother alone. They didn't have much, and Mads was a sickly child, but they got by as best as they could.
However the simple life didn't last, as one day Mads' mother was unable to pay proper tribute to King Othard. As "compensation", Mads, barely 10 years old, was ripped away from his home and forced to work as one of Othard's pages.
The only thing getting Mads through years of cruelty and abuse was the solidarity of other castle staff, and the hope he would get to see his mother again. One day, after years of service, Mads had a chance to visit home again only to realize they were too late. His mother had passed away while he was gone. It was then that Mads resolved himself with newfound fervor to get closer to Othard and gain his trust. What Mads lacked in muscle, they made up for in a quick wit and uncanny charisma the other castle staff, and even Othard himself, couldn't ignore.
Mads was playing the long game, and all of the pieces had finally fallen into place except the one that would spring them into action. They would finally get their chance when Princess Sigrid got involved...
Othard Daenott (he/him)
King of Nobyrja
For centuries, the nation of Nobyrja lived in the shadow of the more wealthy and powerful kingdoms in the land. This would begin to change when Othard's father, King Theinard, took the throne as a young man. The late king began a campaign of military growth and conquest, establishing Nobyrja as a fierce power. The nation's people may have been subject to gloom and poverty for decades, but their new king proved it had made them a hardy, ruthless people with nothing to lose and everything to prove.
This was the political climate Othard was born and raised in. Despite being a prince, Othard was raised tough, forced to prove he had the potential to be strong enough to be worthy of being his father's son. He took those lessons to heart, but as a result, he became much more than his father bargained for. If Theinard was a ruthless militant, Othard himself was a monster.
Othard would take the throne as a young man after massacring the rest of his family, ensuring himself as the only heir to the throne. He escalated tensions between Nobyrja and other kingdoms, extorting them for ridiculously high prices and luxury goods to ensure he didn't send raids to their villages. Even towards his own people, Othard showed no mercy at even the smallest sniff of disloyalty. Physical violence and cruel mind games kept even Othard's closest allies on their toes.
For over twenty years, Othard felt as though he and his reign were invincible. However, the bane of the black mountains would soon get a taste of the fear he had dealt so freely during his reign...
Beata Hollicht (she/her)
Princess Sigrid's lady-in-waiting ⇾ Lady of Nobyrja
When Beata was a young girl, she was sent to the castle of Erbogarten to work as a maid to provide for her family after her father became ill and was no longer able to tend to the family farm. Beata had an older brother, but he had since moved away to seek his own fortune, so it was all on Beata to provide for her family.
Thankfully, she quickly befriended a young Princess Sigrid. The princess, headstrong even as a child, always advocated for her best friend, allowing Beata to become the her lady-in-waiting and even attend a prestigious university with the princess when they reached adulthood.
The pair were inseparably close, so even when Sigrid's hand was promised to King Othard, Beata was determined to follow her into the dark.
Olaf Krief (he/him)
Former General of Nobyrja
Once known as "The Butcher of the Black Mountains", Olaf Krieg was made general by King Theinard as a young man during Nobyrja's period of military growth. He made a name for himself by adopting a tactic of guerrilla warfare. His leadership established Nobyrja as a power to be reckoned with and stories of his conquests quickly spread fear through the land. One of his most infamous victories came when Olaf personally killed the king of Belasina in battle.
That was many decades ago. Nowadays, Olaf lives quietly, wracked with guilt over his past violence and inability to save Theinard-his king and friend- from being murdered by his own son. Olaf would spend the bulk of his years since then overseeing a military keep as far away from Othard as possible, turning to alcohol to numb the shame of being unable to stop him from becoming the monster he now is.
However, Olaf may have found a chance at redemption with the arrival of Princess Sigrid...
Valdis Lange (she/her)
Nobyrja Castle's Steward
One of Mads' co-conspirators. Valdis took up the position of steward in part because of her mother, who was lady-in-waiting to the late Queen Klara Daenott. She possesses a quiet dignity despite the many years of torment and humiliation spent under Othard's kingship. She and Beata become close following Sigrid's coronation.
Ingunn Jott (she/her)
Nobyrja Castle's Head Cook
A sweet but hardy woman who sought employment at Nobyrja Castle over 20 years ago following the tragic demise of her husband and young child. She naturally took on a maternal role to a young Mads when they were first brought to the castle. She played a part in the coup by poisoning Othard's personal royal guards on the night of his murder.
Steinarr Omdahl (he/him)
Nobyrja Castle's Apothecary
Steinarr is a mild-mannered man who used to be assigned to various kinds of manual labor on the castle grounds, but his true passion was in medicine. He was one of Mads' co-conspirators who helped personally take Othard down and provided Ingunn with the herbs that disposed of his most loyal guards.
Tomila Solheim (she/he)
King Sigrid's Personal Royal Guard
Another of Mads' co-conspirators and Steinarr's best friend who's almost always seen by his side. He formerly worked as a castle maid, but works to become a soldier for Sigrid. Scarily stealthy and quiet in stark contrast to her extroverted personality.
Friedrich von Erboden (he/him)
King of Erbogarten
Father to Sigrid and a gaggle of other daughters. He's bitter he hasn't had a son yet. Back when Sigrid was an adoring toddler and only child, Friedrich was much more fond of her. He's grown to detest her as she's got older, more independent, and started sharing her dreams of ruling Erbogarten someday. Friedrich hoped marrying her off to Othard would get her out of his hair, but that plan backfired in his face. In some ways he is scarier than Othard, but he hasn't gone mask-off quite yet.
Svenja von Erboden (she/her)
Queen of Erbogarten
Friedrich's wife who was once a lively person, but her smile and the spark in her eyes have dimmed over the years. She can tell her husband is losing patience. She prays that this last child is a boy.
Adele von Erboden (she/her)
Princess of Erbogarten ⇾ Princess of Angligar
Friedrich and Svenja's second daughter. a traditionally feminine princess who's happily betrothed to her childhood sweetheart. Adele loves her sisters, but she and Sigrid have always butted heads due to their clashing personalities and politics.
Elfriede von Erboden (she/her)
Princess of Erbogarten
Friedrich and Svenja's third daughter who possesses a bookish and shy disposition. Her big sister Sigrid is very protective of her.
Franz von Erboden (he/him)
"Princess" of Erbogarten
Friedrich and Svenja's fourth "daughter", known for his rebellious streak and desire to be a knight.
Chrysta von Erboden (she/her)
Princess of Erbogarten
The lively and precocious fifth daughter of Friedrich and Svenja.
Greta von Erboden (she/her)
Princess of Erbogarten
The sixth and youngest daughter of Friedrich and Svenja. Not much is known about her as doesn't talk or even babble. Nobody is sure why she's mute as her five senses seem to be intact.
Calliope Bellerose (she/her)
Princess of Forbijous
Calliope is the beloved princess of Forbijous and only daughter of Queens Collette and Appoline Bellerose. She was raised in the lap of luxury and wanted for nothing most of her life. However, in adulthood the princess can't help but feel a gnawing emptiness in her gut. One day she is to become queen, but she's gone her whole life without leaving the kingdom of Forbijous for any significant length of time. Calliope longs for a chance to see more of the world before she has to rule in it, but will Queen Collette's overprotective tendencies prevent her from stretching her wings?
Collette Bellerose (she/her)
Queen of Forbijous
The second female head of state in Forbijous' history. Collette is very careful in her interactions with royalty from other kingdoms, as she's fearful of the possibility of loyalties shifting in such a way that leaves her people vulnerable. She's very compassionate, but her analytical and cautious side can sometimes come off as cold.
Appoline Bellerose (she/her)
Queen of Forbijous
Collette and Appoline were married while Appoline still lived as a man. At the time, they were simply close friends who needed to make an heir, but Appoline coming out to Collette as a woman and her subsequent transition strengthened their relationship. They love each other deeply and Appoline is one of the few people Collette feels she can truly relax around. Calliope oftentimes finds it easier to talk to Appoline than Collette.
Nicodeme Flongé (he/him)
Queen Collette's Royal Advisor
Lord Nicodeme Flongé would have been king if it weren't for the arrogance of his grandfather many years ago. His insistence on exploiting the land's mysterious mines led to a chain of events that got the heir to the throne, Nicodeme's father, killed along with many other good men in the royal family. Now, Nicodeme's cousin- Collette Bellerose- rules as Queen with Nicodeme as her advisor.
While Nicodeme doesn't see his cousin as an unworthy ruler, he still feels deeply bitter at having his birthright snatched from him before he was even old enough to prevent it. Even though all of his studies and his heart tell him it's foolish, something deep inside Nicodeme compels him back to the depths of the mines to find the magic his father and grandfather once sought to control. Only time will tell whether or not he will follow in their footsteps.
Godric Donnaneiss (he/him)
King of Angligar
Godric is a charming man with a seemingly perfect family and kingdom, but he harbors a dark secret. For centuries, the Donnaneiss royal family has participated in secret ritualistic cannibalism, the stock of meat coming from the kingdom's prison population.
Gwendolynn Donnaneiss (she/her)
Queen of Angligar
Godric's seemingly perfect wife. While she's as rotten to her core as her husband, the love they have for eachother is genuine.
Uther Donnaneiss (he/him)
Prince of Angligar
Godric and Gwendolynn's eldest son as well as Adele's betrothed and childhood sweetheart. A real golden boy.
Priscilla Donnaneiss (she/her)
Princess of Angligar
Godric and Gwendolynn's young daughter.
Ulyssa Curran (she/her)
Angligar citizen; common theif
An Angligar prisoner arrested with her best friend and partner-in-crime, Liam Gerstle, for petty theft and a robbery gone wrong. Upon attempting to escape she discovers the truth about the royal family's cannibalism too late to save her friend.
Karini Thalvos (he/him)
King of Okeana
Karini is king of the seaside nation of Okeana who, ironically, is deathly afraid of the ocean. Many believe this fear stemmed from a childhood incident where Karini was swept into a riptide and almost drowned. He puts on a brave face for his people- even if the medicine his apothecary gives him to quell his nerves makes him perpetually sleepy, but Karini still has nightmares that The Mother Goddess of the ocean will one day rise to claim the land as hers.
Dragutin Snekorov (he/him)
King of Belasina
Dragutin's life was stricken with tragedy when his father was killed in battle when he was only a child. He lost his mother to grief shortly after and was raised by his father's advisor- Mefodiy- until he was old enough to take the throne. Dragutin vows to one day avenge his father by killing the so-called "Butcher of the Black Mountains" himself. Despite the hardship he experienced, or perhaps because of it, Dragutin is an incredibly loving husband and father.
Ludmila Snekorov (she/her)
Queen of Belasina
Dragutin's wife and the daughter of a great Belasina general. Ludmila spearheaded a movement to allow women to enter Belasina's military. She is regarded as a better fighter than Dragutin (a claim which he never argues against).
Nikita Snekorov (he/him)
Prince of Belasina
The confident and sporty eldest son of Dragutin and Ludmila.
Spartak Snekorov (he/him)
Prince of Belasina
The bookish and introverted middle son of Dragutin and Ludmila.
Valeri Snekorov (he/him)
Prince of Belasina
The rambunctious youngest child of Dragutin and Ludmila
Vuento Reydelvi (he/him)
King of Vinodorn
Vuento Reydelvi is a man known for his charismatic and friendly nature, a man one can't help but want to have a drink and laugh with. However, it's an open secret he's unfaithful to his queen, but the truth of the matter is more complicated and tragic than it first appears. He does care for his queen, but as much as he tries, he could never love her the way he once loved a man long gone- a fact which he fears he may have to take to his grave.
Prospera Reydelvi (she/her)
Queen of Vinodorn
Vuento's wife. bitter about her husband's supposed infidelity. He won't tell her why he's clearly not attracted to her which leads to her feeling frustrated and wondering if something is ultimately wrong with her, but it's easier to project her anger outwards at him. She'll learn the truth someday, but she'll still wish she didn't have to spend all those years in the dark feeling spurned.
Balthasar Reydelvi (he/him)
Prince of Vinodorn
Balthasar is the only child of Vuento and Prospera, known as a sweet gentle giant of a man. He loves his parents dearly, but feels constantly torn between them because of Vuento's infidelity. He is also anxious about becoming king as his father starts noticibly losing his wit in his later years.
Halcyon Maighard (he/him)
King of Eilean
Halcyon is a gruff, no-nonsense man who keeps the other kingdoms at arm's-length in order to maintain Eilean's policy of neutrality. While he doesn't give much thought to other monarchs, he holds a deep personal grudge against Godric and his family.
Kenna Maighard (she/her)
Queen of Eilean
Halcyon's wife and best friend, one of the few people whom he is openly soft for. Kenna is mild-mannered and analytical in contrast to Halcyon's assertive and blunt nature. Despite their opposing personalities, they ultimately share the same goals and work well as a team.
Ishbel Maighard (she/her)
Princess of Eilean
Halcyon and Kenna's daughter, a rainbow baby and only child. Ishbel has an interest in seafaring and learning how to ride and tame the rocky waters around the islands. Her parents keep her involved in Eilean's goings-on to acclimate and prepare her for the responsibilities that will come with ruling someday.