
CONTENT WARNINGS: murder, violence, existentialism surrounding death and its permanence (or lack thereof in this setting), blood 'n' guts, abuse, sexually-charged violence against women, the horrors of capitalism, sex, cannibalism, etc...

Just Desserts is a project that I began seriously developing in December 2024 that I envision will be either a webcomic or a book with visual elements. The genre is, what I call, "crapsack horror satire" for an adult-only audience. Despite the incredibly grim setting, this is ultimately a story about how a group of traumatized strangers find eachother and fight for their humanity in a world that otherwise sees them as either commodities to be exploited for profit or as "subhuman" acceptable targets for violence.

But it's also kind of a mindless bloody romp that says "revenge is cool, actually.".



The setting of Just Desserts is normal, modern-day America with a VERY important timeline diversion that occured in the 1980's during the Reagan administration. This being an event in which grim reapers revealed themselves to the mortal populus and struck a deal with the United States government. In exchange for a chance to partake in the many delights of the material world, the grim reapers would effectively end death as we understand it. As long as the soul hasn't been reaped and one's insurance covers the cost of the body can be patched back together, any deceased person can be resurrected.

Medical technology also experienced exponential advancement with the help of grim reapers to make resurrection easier.


Grim reapers possess the ability to guide and reap souls with the help of Scythes, mystical weapons that they're soulbound to. Scythes are very important as they're the only thing that can irrerversibly, permanantly kill a human. Any other kind of death is reversible, but scythes send a human soul DIRECTLY to the "other side"; there's no getting it back at that point.

Before joining the mortal plane, reapers had a more collectivist culture. They weren't a hivemind, but it was understood they had the same goals and there wasn't much reason to stray from their purpose. After their deal with the US government, reapers became a lot more individualistic, fully adopting the culture of capitalist Americana and enjoying the many delights of the material world. There are still some reapers who think this new way of life is blasphemous, but they're steamrolled by the reapers who have benefitted this system and became the most powerful as a result. Despite the disatisfaction expressed by some reapers, they cannot quit. Their powers are still needed to keep the resurrection business going and service the rare few humans who still want a natural death.

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